Music of WWII: “On the Swing Shift”

(See my other WWII and Music related posts) – The song “On the Swing Shift” came out in 1942 in the film Star Spangled Rhythm. It was sung by Marjorie Reynolds, Betty Jane Rhodes, and Dona Drake. The theme of the song focuses on the romance between wartime aircraft plant workers who are on the “swing shift”, that is between 4PM and midnight.

If you are interested in the WWII era of history, you may find these three pages of interest. 

The  World War II Sources” page is a constantly growing collection of more than 330 links to museums, memorials, websites, Facebook pages, Twitter feeds and other sources with information on the World War II-era in history.

The “World War II Timeline” page expands almost daily and shows events leading up to WWII, as well as during the war. Events are broken down into the Pacific and European Theaters by date.

The “About WWII” page is a collection of links to posts that I have made over the years that are relevant to WWII.

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