Tag Archives: Dayton

Book Review – Seeker

(See all my Book Reviews and Author Interviews) – Arwen Elys Dayton (https://arwenelysdayton.com) is the author of five novels. Seeker was published in 2015. It is the 46th book I completed reading in 2024.

I received an ARC of this book through https://www.netgalley.com with the expectation of a fair and honest review. Opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own! Due to scenes of violence, I categorize this novel as R.

Quin Kincaid is 15 and will soon take the Oath as a Seeker. She has been training in Scotland for most of her short life. Training with her is 16-year-old John Hart and 15-year-old Shinobu MacBain. The three young people could not wait to prove themselves as Seekers. To be able to use their skills to fight injustice, right wrongs, and free the oppressed from tyrants. Over the last few years, Quin and John had become romantically entangled. They both thought they would be together for the rest of their lives.

While Quin and Shinobu passed their final challenge and were declared Seekers, John failed and was sent home. The final challenge was nothing like Quin or Shinobu had expected. It left them broken and disgusted. Both of their fathers are Seekers. The two teens continue to follow their direction, though their missions fall far short of their honorable expectations.

Quin and Shinobu finally decide they have had enough. They want to flee from their home and start a new life. Just as they are about to sneak away, John attacks. The attack acts as a distraction and gives Quinn and Shinobu the chance to get away, but not without injury. Using a device Quin has taken from her father called an athame, the two magically travel from Scotland to emerge in Hong Kong.

In recovering from her wounds, Quin chooses to forget the terrible things she has done at her father’s direction. She begins a new life as a healer. Shinobu leaves Quin and wanders aimlessly, doing drugs and working only when he needs to.

John has used his family wealth to search for Quin and for the athame she had taken. He believes that it rightfully belongs to his family. He will do anything to possess it. John’s obsession will wrench Quin and Shinobu from their new lives and make them confront their dark past.

Will Quin and Shinobu be able to avoid John? Can they survive being confronted with their past?

I enjoyed the 9.5 hours I spent reading this 450-page fantasy. The story rambles along, but the plot is enjoyable. The chosen cover art is dull and not very engaging. I give this novel a rating of 4.4 (rounded to 4) out of 5.

My book reviews are also published on Goodreads (https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/31181778-john-purvis).