Book Review – Disturbing the Dead

(See all my Book Reviews and Author Interviews) – Kelley Armstrong is the author of nearly 50 novels. Disturbing the Dead was published early last May, and is the third book in her Rip Through Time series. It is the 43rd book I completed reading in 2024.

I received an ARC of this book through with the expectation of a fair and honest review. Opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own! Due to scenes of violence, I categorize this novel as R.

Mallory Atkinson is 30 years old and was once a successful homicide detective. Now, she is the housemaid and sometimes personal assistant to Dr. Duncan Gray. This change in career wasn’t a choice Atkinson consciously made. She had a near-death experience, and when she awoke, her consciousness was in the 20-year-old body of Catriona Mitchell in mid-19th century Scotland.

By the time this novel takes place, Atkinson’s unbelievable background is known to Dr. Gray and his younger widowed sister, Isla. Detective Hugh McCreadie is Dr. Gray’s closest friend, and he is also aware of Atkinson’s story. Between her own background in the 21st century and Dr. Gray’s work as an undertaker in the 19th, it is not a surprise when they find themselves solving mysteries.

Dr. Gray’s older sister, Lady Annie Leslie, invites the four to accompany her to the home of Sir Alastair Christie. They are going to witness the unwrapping of an Egyptian mummy. When it is time for Christie’s guests to observe the unwrapping, he is nowhere to be found. As the mummy is unwrapped, the small audience is horrified to discover that the corpse is that of Sir Alastair Christie.

The Grays, Atkinson, and McCreadie endeavor to discover the who and the why behind Sir Christie’s death. Many close to Christie seem to have some motive. Their inquiries do not go unnoticed, which puts them in danger.

Complicating the investigation is a growing attraction between Atkinson and Dr. Gray. Atkinson is conflicted because of her time travel. How far should she go in her new life when she might be returned to her real life?

I enjoyed the 10.5 hours I spent reading this 341-page mystery. I enjoyed this period mystery with a time travel twist. While part of a series, this book reads well on its own. I like the selected cover art. I give this novel a rating of 4 out of 5.

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